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The Visible Thinking Strategies have helped me to more clearly pinpoint the students' current understanding, what they have learnt and where they will go next with their learning. The strategies allow the students more time to think about the task and how they are going to do it. Their thinking is slowed down and in turn this deepens their thought process, ultimately resulting in better learning and higher achievement. Their thinking becomes more explicit and allows me to facilitate the learning engagements more appropriately at each step.  


This learning process has led me to continually rethink and question how I am sharing learning goals/ intentions with my students. I have concluded that displaying of learning intentions and making ‘learning visible’ is clearly beneficial. What must be considered instead is how we phrase the learning intention in accordance to the type of learning that is intended. Is the learning knowledge, a skill or understanding?


I will try to phrase learning intentions as such in the future………


Knowledge - Should have activated your prior knowledge about movement composition.


 I have deepened my understanding of what a movement composition routine may look like.


Skill – I have learnt how to land in a more controlled way


Have come up with some new wonderings (or be aware of friends new wonderings).

Learned (or revised) a new thinking routine which you can use in the future.


Please click on the link to view some of the visible learning strategies I trialled in my classes. This site is a work in progress and I will continue to blog about units in the future.

Evidence: How do you know that you have made progress?


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